The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. Gertrude Jekyll

Annie's Little Plot

Annie's Little Plot

Sunday, 4 December 2011

The allotment is slowly emptying...

Its so much harder to get up to the allotment at the moment, I can't go in the evenings so I'm relying on decent weather at the weekends which isn't always the case, like this weekend. I did manage a quick trip up there last weekend, but it was very blustery and after lots of rain also very wet. Here is the plot at the moment.
As you can see I still have plenty of Kale, I'm still harvesting Purple Sprouting Broccoli and plenty of leeks. I've got some celeriac and parsnips which I'm yet to harvest and just a few beetroots left.
I have some globe artichokes which have put on lots of leaf this year. I'm slightly concerned about them surviving the winter so that I can get some chokes next year, I've never been successful with these before. Should I cover them? Any advice? I've taken some of the old leaves and put round the base since this picture was taken, but maybe I should do more.
I've got to do some digging to prepare some beds which I didn't cultivate this year for planting next year but too wet for digging at the moment. This is the bit not grown on this year, I've used it as a bit of dumping ground for other weeds. There are thistles and some buttercups which need clearing. I just want to get going on it now!

1 comment:

  1. Its been very wet here too. I dug up some leeks and the amount of soil that stuck to the spade in a big claggy heap was enormous. Better to leave digging for a while I think. You've still got quite a lot going on on your plot. I've only got some leeks and cavolo nero but it was my first year and didn't really plan for the winter. I will take inspiration from you and be better prepared for next winter.
