The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. Gertrude Jekyll

Annie's Little Plot

Annie's Little Plot

Monday, 13 July 2015


Aargh, I hadn't quite realised that it is now 14 months since I last wrote a blog post. I've looked at my blog today for the first time in ages, realised how different my garden is now from the picture on the front! But the interesting thing is that if you look at the stats people are still looking at the old posts. I've had a break from updating my blog not because I didn't want to write but just that I didn't have the time. However, I've now got a bit more free time and the last few months I've been really missing the writing and how it allows me to follow the process of growing in my garden and allotment. Plus I've really missed the connection with other bloggers, so I'm going to get started again. I'm sure everyone has forgotten me but I have been keeping an eye on my favourite bloggers over the last year and hope I can back into regularly following and commenting on blogs. 
So a couple of things that I need to do is update the blog its looking very outdated, this I will do over the next few weeks, and the other is to just have a quick recap! Last time I wrote I was part way through my WRAGS training at York Gate Garden. That finished in August 2014 and I stayed on a few months after that as assistant gardener. But my contract was coming to the end and with a number of other changes in the garden I decided that whilst I had loved every minute of my time there I needed to get some experience other places. So I finished there in April this year, at the same time Sue Beesley from Bluebell Cottage Nursery in Cheshire advertised on Twitter for some help at weekends and so I got in contact and I'm now working there. My main role is to advise people on buying plants from the nursery, finding plants that may be looking for and helping out if people have problem areas in their garden that they'd like plants for. I also put stock out and have been helping with some plant propagation. The nursery sells only hardy perennials but there is an extensive range and this is exponentially increasing my plant knowledge! Sue has created a lovely garden, that people can visit, to showcase the plants that she sells and also for stock plants for propagation to sell. I am still working 3 days a week at my research job at Manchester Uni, plus I've still got my garden and allotment to keep going, more news on that later. But I'm hoping that I'll have a bit more time now to get back into writing. 
So my allotment is doing well, I'm in my 5th year now of growing there and its developed into a nice routine. The main structure of the plot is there with the paths and beds. I've made a few changes this year with some more fruit and more perennial crops. Also taking inspiration from Wellywoman's recent book I've established a proper cutting patch. This I started last year and developed further this year, extending into other beds. Its very addictive. I'll update on this separately.

But in a crazy moment in late Spring I also took on another plot, this is a plot in the site right behind my house, so much closer than my other plot. It needs a bit of work as you can see, below is a photo taken when I got the plot! As we speak its getting a bit out of hand in places but it is also producing some crops and one of the best things about it is there are 5-6 proper fruit trees on the plot. These are at the far end near the shed. At the moment its just being kept in check but I'm planning on making a proper plan for the plot.
The problem is I've worked so hard on my other plot I can't bear to let it go just yet so at the moment I've got two big plots. I might have to reassess this crazy scheme  if it gets too much....
My garden companion, Bob the cat, is still going strong, well he sleeps more than he used to and that's saying something.
Lovely to get back writing, lets hope I can keep it up!


  1. Welcome back. Our new plot rules say that we can't plant any more fruit trees as it causes a problem when plots are given up. They obviously don't appreciate that new plot holders love to inherit fruit trees and bushes.

    1. Thanks Sue, yes actually we have those rules now, but these trees have been in a while from a very long-standing plot holder. But I don't think we are allowed to plant any new ones. Lovely to inherit these though. Would be crazy for the council to remove them.

  2. Good to have you back! Wow, having 2 plots is going to keep you busy, they will also keep you very fit!

    1. Thanks. Yes might be a bit crazy, will see how it goes this year

  3. Good to see you back again. Funny we both chose today to start again.

    1. That is funny!! Glad that you are back blogging again too

  4. Lovely to hear from you and to find out what has been happening in your world!
    Gosh, a second do have your hands full....good luck with

    1. Thanks Snowbird, I've missed communicating with all my blogging friends, got a lot to catch up on.

  5. Hello it's nice to see you posting again, and thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm glad to see you're still busy, even without a second plot.
    I'll add you back to my list of Lawn Loungers and also give you a mention in a post in the next week or so.
    Happy gardening. Flighty xx

    1. Still busy, but going to make time for blogging, I miss it now, think I just needed a break, thanks Flighty

  6. Lovely to see you back. I've found it hard going this year keeping on top of everything. Wow! A second plot! I was contemplating giving mine up a few months ago - I'm not just felt overwhelmed with work and endless watering etc. Now Wellyman has finished his degree though I have an extra pair of hands. Sue is lovely. I met her at Chelsea and she was so friendly and what a fab place to work. Looking forward to more posts. Oh and thank you for the mention, great to see the cut flower patch taking shape. Lou x

    1. Thanks Lou, its good to be back. Yes the second plot seemed a good idea, back in the early spring my other plot was looking a bit bare and far away (its only a 10 min walk!!). The plan was to take this one on, get it up to scratch and then give my other one up. But now my other plot is looking fab and I can't imagine giving it up after all my hard work. May think again!
      I'm loving it a Bluebell Cottage Nursery, just love helping people buy plants!!

  7. Catching up after a holiday and so pleased to see you back blogging Annie. Another plot! I'm thinking of seeing if mine can be halved but then you have the distinct advantage of youth on your side. Bluebell Cottage Garden Nursery is only about 15 minutes away from me in a car so may get to meet you sometime :)

    1. Thanks Anna. That would be great, I'm usually at the nursery on a Saturday, it would be lovely to say hello in person!
