May has been a much warmer month thankfully and the plants are growing quickly. Its manic with all the seed sowing and planting, but I love this time of year. My garden is looking good, alliums are just starting to come out, foxgloves start to point to the sky and roses coming into bud. The tulips are finishing and blossoms floating from the trees. At the allotment its all about the chives, its a sea of purple and the bees love it. I'm excited because the asparagus which I've grown from seed is coming up well, I'm not able to pick this year but its starting to bulk out a bit, so maybe next year!
The cutting patch is getting into gear. Lots planted but still more hardening off in the greenhouse or being potted on, be glad when its all in now. This mixture of sunshine and showers is really getting things growing at last which is great. Though the slugs are also loving this weather too as you might expect.
The plot is certainly looking greener. The wallflowers are still flowering away and I've picking lots for the house. There are lots of flowers on my fruit bushes and the strawberry plants so looking forward to a good crop from these. There are buds developing on my artichokes. I've got ladybirds all over my plot, has anyone else noticed lots this year. Its been lovely to see.

I've got some lovely Camassias on plot starting to bloom.
I'm off to Chelsea tomorrow, going to help Sue Beesley, from Bluebell Cottage Nursery, on her stand in the Great Pavilion, she has a small stand showing Thalictrums and delicate shade loving spring perennial. Then on Wednesday I have a ticket to look round the show myself. Looking forward to seeing all those lovely plants and get lots of ideas for my garden.